2009 年 10 月 28日 (No. 446)

Military to be deployed before typhoon warning issued: Premier -- China Post

U.S. says Afghan coalition government is an option -- Associated Press


Child care subsidies to become casualty of revenue shortfall -- Central News Agency

21 die in train collision in India -- China Post


Toyota pushes into SKorea, home turf of Hyundai -- Associated Press

President Chain's 7-Elevens doing well in Shanghai -- Taipei TImes
統一 7-11 連鎖超商在上海進展良好(2009/10/21)
Science & Technology

Real-time search rivalry hots up -- BBC

Nokia: Apple iPhone violates our patents -- BusinessWeek
諾基亞:蘋果 iPhone 侵害本公司的專利(2009/10/23)
Sorry, sorry: Super Junior's Kang admits drunk driving -- China Post
抱歉抱歉:Super Junior 成員強仁承認酒駕(2009/10/19)
Balloon boy mom: co-conspirator or abused wife? -- ABC News
Phillies have Dodgers in tight spot -- MLB.com

CC Sabathia, Bomber bats blast Los Angeles Angels to give New York Yankees 3-1 lead in ALCS -- Daily News
【棒球】沙胖與洋基打線狂轟洛杉磯天使 紐約洋基美聯冠軍賽三勝一負領先(2009/10/21)

Microsoft Unveils Windows 7

微軟發表 Windows 7

Microsoft launched the latest incarnation of its ubiquitous Windows operating system last week.
The much anticipated software package known as Windows 7 hit store shelves worldwide Thursday.
If consumers liked what they saw when they got it home and onto their computer hard drives, they have 7's troubled predecessor, Windows Vista, to thank for the improvements.
  微軟無所不在的視窗作業系統,在上週推出了最新版。這套備受期待的套裝軟體名為 Windows 7「視窗七號」,已在週四於全球上市。消費者把這套軟體帶回家安裝好之後,如果對其表現感到滿意,別忘了把其進步歸功給問題重重的 Windows 7 前作 Windows Vista「遠景」。
Industry analysts say much of what is good about Window's 7 is due to the many flaws in Vista.
For all the under-the-hood changes from Vista's predecessor -- Windows XP -- Vista failed to deliver a package that computer users could truly love.
The operating system was fraught with problems from its launch and many computer owners shunned the product altogether, preferring to stick with XP until something better came along.

A minority began to take a serious look at some of Microsoft's competitors, and Apple in particular was beginning to make a strong showing in the market.

  業界分析師指出,Windows 7 的許多優點都源自 Vista 的諸多缺點。Vista 雖然較前作 Windows XP 做出了大幅改變,但卻無法完成讓電腦使用者真正喜愛的套件。這套作業系統從一上市就問題多多,許多電腦使用者連碰都不碰,並繼續使用 XP,打算等到有更好的產品出現再說。少數人則開始認真考慮改用微軟競爭對手的產品,蘋果尤其開始出現強勁的市場表現。
When it came time to create Windows 7, Microsoft decided to go to some of its harshest critics, computer manufacturers, to figure out what needed fixing.
It was a major philosophical shift for the software maker.
  為了開發 Windows 7,微軟決定向最不留情面的批評者──也就是電腦製造商──尋求建議,以了解究竟有哪些問題必須改善。對微軟而言,這是一次深思熟慮的心態轉變。
"Until Vista, Microsoft was fully thinking on their own and implementing their own ideas and then releasing it," said Acer vice president Gianpiero Morbello.
  「在推出 Vista 之前,微軟完全我行我素,開發軟體都只依照自己的想法,然後就直接推出上市,」宏碁副總裁吉安皮羅.莫爾貝羅表示。
Microsoft shared early plans for Windows 7 with computer makers, seeking their input, while Microsoft's software engineers worked closely with hardware makers to address problems that existed in previous versions of the operating system.
The change of direction seems to have paid off, with early reviews of Windows 7 being generally positive.
  微軟向電腦製造商分享了 Windows 7 的初期計畫,尋求他們的意見,同時微軟的軟體工程師也和硬體製造商密切合作,以解決舊版作業系統的問題。這次的轉變似乎有了代價。Windows 7 的初期評論大致上都是正面的。
Windows 7 may not look that different from Vista on first glance, because many of the changes are below the surface.
According to early reports, the new operating system runs faster, has fewer hardware compatibility issues and is easier to navigate than its predecessor.
  Windows 7 乍看之下也許和 Vista 差異不大,原因是許多改變都隱藏在表面下。根據初期的報導,這套新作業系統運作速度較快,硬體相容問題較少,也比前作容易操作。

unveil v. (首次)推出

The clothing designer unveiled her winter line.

ubiquitous adj. 十分普遍的;無所不在的

Convenience stores are ubiquitous throughout Taipei.

predecessor n. 前任;被替代的東西

under-the-hood adj. 表面下的

The politician promised under-the-hood changes to the government.

fraught adj. 充滿(不愉快事物)的

Travel in the war-torn country is fraught with danger.

shun v. 閃開;躲開

Daniel shuns meat products.

philosophical adj. (心態)深思熟慮的;哲學的

The teacher often engaged in philosophical debates with his students.

pay off 奏效;成功

Years of hard work paid off when a film company bought Alan's script.

compatibility n. 相容性

navigate v. 操縱;通過

With the help of a lawyer, Wendy navigated through the government bureaucracy and got her immigration card.
 hit store shelves 上市
hit store shelves 字面上是「到達商店架上」,引申指商品「上架;上市;開始發行」。
The new version of the popular mobile phone hits store shelves next month.




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