Andy Warhol.bmp 

"Self-Portrait" by Andy Warhol is one of the stars of Sotheby's contemporary art auction on November 11



普普藝術大師安迪‧渥荷(Andy Warhol)42年前送給畫室接待員的自畫像,藏在衣櫃中多年後,11月11日將由蘇富比拍賣公司(Sotheby's)拍賣。估計價格將達100萬到150萬元。

這幅自畫像的所有人凱西‧納素(Cathy Naso)17歲時,在渥荷的畫室「工廠」(Factory)擔任兼職的接待員,因為工作努力,兩年後,渥荷把親筆繪的自畫像題贈給她。

納素和渥荷的相識相當傳奇。1960年代,住在布碌崙的納素就讀「藝術和設計高中」(High School of Art and Design)。學校鼓勵學生參觀畫廊。納素說:「畫廊就是我們的教室。」當時學校有一項作業是要求學生寫一篇法文文章,題目不拘。納素決定採訪渥荷。她說:「他是藝術界的中心。」





【2009/11/01 世界日報】


No. 6 from Campbell’s Soup 1 1968 (detail).bmp 

Andy Warhol (United States of America 1928–1987)

No. 6 from Campbell’s Soup 1 1968 (detail)
a series of ten colour screenprints
impression 156 from an edition of 250
91.8 x 61.3 x 3.8 cm
Kerry Stokes Collection, Perth, Australia

Frustrated by his rejection in the art world, a distraught Warhol turned to Campbell’s Soup cans as a suitable subject for his art. This had been at the suggestion of the gallery owner, Muriel Latow, when Warhol lamented that ‘It’s too late for the cartoons. I’ve got to do something that will have a lot of impact, that will be different from Lichtenstein and Rosenquist’, two other artists associated with the Pop Art movement in America. Warhol asked Latow what subject he should choose (as he often did with friends and colleagues) and she proposed that, along with money, Warhol should choose a subject ‘that everybody sees every day, that everybody recognises … like a can of soup’.

In late 1961 Warhol began his images of Campbell’s Soup cans. As with other images he made before, he projected enlarged soup can images from photographs and then traced these in pencil onto the canvas. Warhol gained instant notoriety and an offer of an exhibition in Los Angeles. Warhol continued to develop this theme in his paintings and later in two series of prints produced during 1968 that featured different soup flavours


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