
Megan Fox on Angelina Jolie, Men's Magazines, and Sacrificial Lambs

The actress spouts off on her 'character' and being sick of the not-so-nice labels she's gotten this year. But, really, just click here for more outrageous Megan Fox quotes.
(Photo By Getty Images)

俗話說早起的鳥兒有蟲吃(The early bird gets the worm.),鼓勵人做事積極;但有人認為早起的蟲兒被鳥吃(The early worm gets eaten.),或「晚起的鳥兒,照樣也有蟲吃」(The less-early-bird also gets the worm.),這是反對意見。

膽大心細:除了積極,成功另一個因素是細心。所以俗諺也說:「第二隻老鼠吃到乳酪」(The early bird may catch the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.)。第一隻老鼠眼睛只有乳酪,沒有捕鼠器;第二隻鼠記取前輩悲劇,非但吃到美味,也獲得永誌難忘的教訓(a life altering experience )。

管他先發後發 膽大心細才能到終點

例:"We tend to follow the leader. It is usually the second mouse that gets the cheese and we like being the second mouse."「大樹底下好乘涼,我們覺得當老二好處多多。」

"I learnt a lot through this process and it's a life altering experience."「我受益匪淺,終身受用不盡。」

早起的鳥「先發先至」,第二隻老鼠「後發先至」;各路英雄逐鹿中原,各行巧妙,各負成敗(you pay your money and take your chance),成王敗寇;但孫子另外指出:「行千里而不勞者,行于無人之地也」,又說:「故知戰之地,知戰之日,則可千里而會戰」,亦即「風險」更是勝負關鍵。

他認為,不管先發後發,細心不細心,沒有能力撐到千里以外去作戰,中途遇險,半路已經被抬出場,就不可能獲致最後勝利(it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings)。

例:"We should slow down and have a plan before we pay our money and take our chance."「在投資計畫未臻完善之前,我們應該放慢腳步。」

"If it ain't over until the fat lady sings, then it ain't ready to start until she has money in hand. The 'check is in the mail' won't do."「最後笑的人勝利,但也要手頭有銀彈,才能熬到最後。趕快拿錢出來,否則一切免談。」

股市是風險最高的賭場,在在考驗投資者的天賦、技巧和資金實力。華爾街日報專文說明,菜籃族想學高盛(Golden Sachs)短線進出搶錢,下場絕對堪虞,因為後者投資何止萬千,全球電腦連線,搶錢速度絕對高出菜籃族甚多。

專文指出,災難即將來臨(Handwriting on the wall),好比山上遇虎,一人認為怎麼跑也跑不過老虎,不逃也罷;另一人卻認為,只要跑得比另一人快,便能虎口餘生。高盛的長處,便是集思廣義(four eyes are better than two),這是它短線搶錢的功力。

菜籃族買股票 分散投資組合不滅頂

專文建議:菜籃族不該東施效顰,和市場跑得最快的人搶短線,應該慎選分散風險的投資組合(diversified portfolio),免招滅頂,血本無歸。不過該文指出,這個建議知易行難,是菜籃族永遠只學到「永誌難忘的教訓」主因。

例:"Four eyes are better than two and it is amazing how many times I will miss something that someone else will catch."「多個人照應就是不一樣,許多我沒注意到的,還好都有人補強。」

"The team has lost its last six games and the writing is definitely on the wall for the manager, so he gracefully bowed out."「球隊連輸六場,教練知道大勢不妙,識趣地遞出辭呈。」



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