

達賴訪台後,高雄愛河終於看到許久未見的陸客,這是中共高官帶來的伴手禮。連同採購團、二軌學術會議,台海看似「潮平兩岸闊,風正一帆懸」,實處於「摸著石頭過河」(touch and go)高度風險。

前程是康莊大道,還是坎坷末路?在走上不歸路(point of no return)之前,國人都應多加留意,適切關心。

例:"Both sides had a tough time when they started the negotiation. In fact, it was touch and go for years -- several times they were ready to break. But now they're making progress."「談判開始,進行並不順利;幾年來屢屢陷入僵局,不過總算有了進展。」





"The entire project is past the point of no return; we will have to continue with it."「頭已經洗了一半,整個案子一定要完成。」

"Terry's offer to purchase Jimmy's business has been accepted. They've reached the point of no return."「奇美接受出價,接受合併,整個案子終於底定了。」

從兵戎相見,到坐下來談,花了雙方一甲子歲月。談判是妥協的藝術,不能一方說了算(It takes two to tango.),否則即使對方勉強接受,最後也會毀約。

避免強暴欺凌弱小,就不能恣意妄為(dance to his own tune);總之,去異求同(meet in the middle),才能達成雙贏。

例:"The reason we reached an agreement is because we worked together. After all, it takes two to tango."「雙方捐棄成見,攜手合作,協議終於達成。」

"In our team, there is no such thing as one man dances to his own tune."「我要求團隊精神,不容許個人主義。」

"Married couples often need to meet in the middle to resolve problems. It is a team effort and neither can always enforce on the other."「各退一步,多替對方著想,實乃婚姻美滿之道。」


所以,強勢的一方要拿出誠意,贏得人心(win the hearts and minds of the people),才能達成目標留人;弱勢的一方也不能把別人的好意,全部當成驢肝肺,一概不領情(heart isn't in it)。須知:不知以小事大,只會裡外皆失。

例:"It required a carefully crafted strategy and presentation skill to win the heart and mind of the buyers. We managed to pull them back successfully without a hitch."「策略明確,表達得體,終於贏得客戶青睞。」

"Even if he hadn't stopped for the comments, his performance makes it plain that his heart isn't in it."「雖然他不在乎別人的批評,但明顯看出他已經無心戀棧。」




The Movies that moved us.jpg 




two persons separated by a common language


海景度假別墅自古有之,美國於1950年代大流行,當時許多買主只憑目錄,未親睹現場,時有糾紛,所以"beachfront real estate"(海景物業)在美國有其字面以外的特殊意義。

買空賣空 騙子伎倆

還有一種掛羊頭賣狗肉的糾紛,在美國叫做:"Would you like to buy the London Bridge?"(你想不想買倫敦大橋?),也是英國騙子買空賣空的伎倆。

這種賣方明明沒有產權,卻硬說有;或卻千方百計(hard sell)利用資訊差距,把明明不值錢的東西塞到你手中(to sell you a bill of goods),均屬土地糾紛。

例:"I was given the hard sell on that piece of shit over there."「業務員死纏爛打,我竟然買下這個東西。」

"Don't pay any attention to what John says. He's just trying to sell you a bill of goods."「小鍾正想設計你,千萬別中了他的奸計。」



這種建商畫出大餅,實際上卻故意雞同鴨講(two persons separated by a common language),讓庶民投資客霧裡看花,有聽沒有懂(on different wave lengths),事後證明,許多是一場騙局。

例:”The Chinese and the Taiwanese are two peoples separated by a common language: although we speak Mandarin, we have a hard time understanding each other.”「台灣人說國語,大陸人說普通話,聽起來很像,其實雞同鴨講的時候還不少。」

大吹法螺 騙局一場

"We're on different wave lengths because you have an emotional investment in that beachfront real estate and I don't."「我不會衝動買下產權有問題的房子,這就是你我最大的不同點。」

以往不良建商施展「炒、債、逃」投機三部曲,利用資訊差距,打了就跑,有如《孫子兵法》所言:「進而不可禦者,沖其虛也;退而不可追者,速而不可及也」。買主看不穿法令或市場面扞格抵觸(a square peg into a round hole)之處,就會損失慘重,甚至血本無歸。

可見,從事任何投資,都必須做足功課。別人大吹法螺,要看穿他的虛實(just because you can say it with conviction, doesn't mean anything to me.)才能全身而退,甚至獲利出場。

例:"Real estate investors apply cautiousness as an aid in their beachfront investing practices to avoid the costly 'square-peg' syndrome."「購買海濱別墅要小心謹慎,以免與期望落差太大。」

"Just because you believe something, doesn't make it true! Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but just because you have one, doesn't make you right! "「每個人都有見解,但我們不見得都要附和。」


【2010/02/05 經濟日報】 


two persons separated by a common language


海景度假別墅自古有之,美國於1950年代大流行,當時許多買主只憑目錄,未親睹現場,時有糾紛,所以"beachfront real estate"(海景物業)在美國有其字面以外的特殊意義。

買空賣空 騙子伎倆

還有一種掛羊頭賣狗肉的糾紛,在美國叫做:"Would you like to buy the London Bridge?"(你想不想買倫敦大橋?),也是英國騙子買空賣空的伎倆。

這種賣方明明沒有產權,卻硬說有;或卻千方百計(hard sell)利用資訊差距,把明明不值錢的東西塞到你手中(to sell you a bill of goods),均屬土地糾紛。

例:"I was given the hard sell on that piece of shit over there."「業務員死纏爛打,我竟然買下這個東西。」

"Don't pay any attention to what John says. He's just trying to sell you a bill of goods."「小鍾正想設計你,千萬別中了他的奸計。」



這種建商畫出大餅,實際上卻故意雞同鴨講(two persons separated by a common language),讓庶民投資客霧裡看花,有聽沒有懂(on different wave lengths),事後證明,許多是一場騙局。

例:”The Chinese and the Taiwanese are two peoples separated by a common language: although we speak Mandarin, we have a hard time understanding each other.”「台灣人說國語,大陸人說普通話,聽起來很像,其實雞同鴨講的時候還不少。」

大吹法螺 騙局一場

"We're on different wave lengths because you have an emotional investment in that beachfront real estate and I don't."「我不會衝動買下產權有問題的房子,這就是你我最大的不同點。」

以往不良建商施展「炒、債、逃」投機三部曲,利用資訊差距,打了就跑,有如《孫子兵法》所言:「進而不可禦者,沖其虛也;退而不可追者,速而不可及也」。買主看不穿法令或市場面扞格抵觸(a square peg into a round hole)之處,就會損失慘重,甚至血本無歸。

可見,從事任何投資,都必須做足功課。別人大吹法螺,要看穿他的虛實(just because you can say it with conviction, doesn't mean anything to me.)才能全身而退,甚至獲利出場。

例:"Real estate investors apply cautiousness as an aid in their beachfront investing practices to avoid the costly 'square-peg' syndrome."「購買海濱別墅要小心謹慎,以免與期望落差太大。」

"Just because you believe something, doesn't make it true! Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but just because you have one, doesn't make you right! "「每個人都有見解,但我們不見得都要附和。」


【2010/02/05 經濟日報】
語言:繁體中文 ISBN:9789866481482

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