
百萬殺人實驗  Button, Button: Uncanny Stories

百萬殺人實驗〉改編自科幻驚悚大師理查麥特森 (Richard Matheson) 的短篇小說 Button, Button,《漂亮美語》特別摘錄了原著中精彩的部分內文,讓大家一睹大師原汁原味的經典文句。在品賞原著的同時,別忘了問自己:我會按下按鈕嗎?

A Present from Heaven



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Inside the carton was a push-button unit fastened to a small wooden box. A glass dome covered the button. Norma tried to lift it off, but it was locked in place. She turned the unit over and saw a folded piece of paper Scotch-taped to the bottom of the box. She pulled it off: “Mr. Steward will call on you at eight p.m.”


A Visitor from Nowhere

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He reached into an inside coat pocket and withdrew a small sealed envelope. “Inside here is a key to the bell-unit dome,” he said. He set the envelope on the chairside table. “The bell is connected to our office.”

“What’s it for?” asked Arthur.

“If you push the button, ” Mr. Steward told him, “somewhere in the world, someone you don’t know will die. In return for which you will receive a payment of fifty thousand dollars.”

Norma stared at the small man. He was smiling.


In a State of Suspense


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After lunch, she took the card halves from her purse again and Scotch-taped the edges together. Why am I doing this? She thought. Just before five, she dialed the number.“Good afternoon,” said Mr. Steward's voice.

Norma almost hung up but restrained herself. She cleared her throat.

“This is Mrs. Lewis,” she said.“Yes, Mrs. Lewis.” Mr. Steward sounded pleased.

“I'm curious.”“That's natural,” Mr. Steward said. “Not that I believe a word of you told us.”

“Oh, it's quite authentic,” Mr. Steward answered.

“Well, whatever...” Norma swallowed. “When you said someone in the world would die, what did you mean?”

“Exactly that,” he answered.“It could be anyone. All we guarantee is that you don't know them. And, of course, that you wouldn't have to watch them die.”

「我是劉易士太太。」「妳好,劉易士太太 。」史都華的聲音聽起來很高興。
「就是那個意思,」他答道。「任何人都有可能。我們只保證是妳不認識的人。還有,當然 了,妳不需要看著他們死去。」

Push It or Not

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“The point is, Norma,” he continued, “that who you kill makes no difference. It's still murder.”

“The point is,” Norma broke in, “if it's someone you've never seen in your life and never will see, someone whose death you don't even have to know about, you still wouldn't push the button?”

Arthur stared at her, appalled.“You mean you would?”

“Fifty thousand dollars, Arthur,”“What has the amount...”

“Fifty thousand dollars, Arthur,” Norma interrupted.“A chance to take that trip to Europe we've always talked about.”

「諾瑪,重點在於,」他繼續往下說,「不論殺的對象是誰,殺人 就是殺人。」
「重點在於,」諾瑪插嘴道,「如果是你一輩子從來沒見過,將來 也不會見到的人,你甚至不需要知道他死了,你還是不會按那個鈕 嗎?」

紙上電影觀賞後記: 讀到這裡,你是不是很想知道,諾瑪到底有沒有按下按鈕?她和亞瑟會不會完成歐洲的旅遊?到底會不會有人真的因而死去?死去的人又可能會是誰?倘若「按鈕」是個指涉生命抉擇的隱喻,那麼身為讀者的你可曾想過,在你的生命中,又曾按過多少次這樣的按鈕而不自知?你自以為認識的人,又真正了解他多少?

令你意想不到的答案,就在精彩的原著小說《百萬殺人實驗》(Button, Button: Uncanny Stories) 裡。而改編自小說的驚悚電影 The Box 更有著與原著截然不同的結局。想知道這對劉易士夫婦的「按鈕命運」究竟會如何?相信你應該知道接下來該怎麼做……


【英文原著/Richard Matheson,翻譯/夏荷立,文字整理/Tony】

【完整內容請見《漂亮美語》2010 NO.27 一月號】



百萬殺人實驗  Button, Button: Uncanny Stories

  • 作者:理察.麥特森
  • 原文作者:Richard Matheson
  • 譯者:夏荷立
  • 出版社:繁星多媒體
  • 出版日期:2009年12月04日
  • 語言:繁體中文 ISBN:9789866414282
  • 裝訂:平裝

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