The interplanetary bombardment began when the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, or LCROSS, dropped its Centaur upper-stage rocket onto the moon's surface at 7:31 a.m. ET Friday. |
NASA is counting on the impact to throw up enough lunar dust to allow the LCROSS probe to detect the presence of water in the moon's surface. |
The data would then be relayed back to monitoring stations on Earth. |
這個星球間的爆炸始於週五美東時間上午七時三十一分,簡稱為 LCROSS 的月球隕石坑觀察與感測衛星將其上節人馬座火箭投擲於月球表面。美國太空總署要藉由撞擊激起足夠的月塵,讓 LCROSS 探測器能偵測到月表是否有水的存在。數據則會傳送回地球上的監測站。 |
After LCROSS had tracked and analyzed the debris plume for approximately four minutes, it began its own kamikaze dive, eventually crashing into the Cabeus crater near the moon's southern polar region.
在追蹤並分析羽狀煙塵約四分鐘後,LCROSS 開始下墜自毀,最後墜落在月球南極地區附近的卡比厄斯隕坑。 |
The show was closely watched by the Hubble Space Telescope in Earth orbit, as well as the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, which is currently circling the moon. |
Joining these two marvels of space technology was a small army of earthbound amateurs who aimed their backyard telescopes skyward for a glimpse of the impacts. |
地球軌道上的哈伯太空望遠鏡,和現正繞行月球的月球勘測軌道器都密切觀察了這場展演。除了這兩架偉大的太空科技儀器外,還有一小群地球上的業餘人士把他們後院的望遠鏡瞄向天空,只為了一睹撞擊的景象。 |
We expect the debris plumes to be visible through midsized backyard telescopes -- 10-inches and larger," said Brian Day at NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, California, prior to the crash. |
布萊恩‧戴任職於加州摩菲特基地的美國太空總署艾姆斯研究中心,他在撞擊之前說:「我們預期可以在後院用十英寸以上的中型望遠鏡看到羽狀煙塵。」 |
Day is an amateur astronomer himself, and has led the agency's education and public outreach for the LCROSS mission. |
As it turned out, the visuals for most backyard observers did not live up to the awe-inspiring pyrotechnics that had been forecast, but scientists were able to gather their data. |
戴本人是位業餘天文學家,負責該機構 LCROSS 任務的教學與公眾宣導。結果,大多數後院觀察者看到的影像並不是像預期那樣令人讚嘆的煙火,但已經足以讓科學家蒐集資料。 |
"The initial explosions will probably be hidden behind crater walls, but the plumes will rise high enough above the crater's rim to be seen from Earth," Day said Friday. |
戴在週五表示:「起初爆破可能隱蔽在隕石坑壁後面了,但是羽狀煙塵應該足以高過隕石坑邊緣,能從地球上看到。」 |
Data from recent missions to the moon have revealed small amounts of water in the lunar soil. |
The LCROSS mission hopes to answer the question of exactly how much water is present. |
近幾次探月任務的數據顯示月球泥土有少量的水分。LCROSS 任務希望能為究竟有多少水量提出解答。 |