The video depicts three girls riding in a car as the driver is trying to send a text message. |
While in the process of sending the message and joking with her passengers, the car suddenly collides with another vehicle head-on before it is struck in the side by a third. |
影片中可看到三名女孩搭乘一輛汽車,駕駛還試圖發送簡訊。就在她一面發送簡訊,一面和車上的朋友說笑的時候,車子卻突然正面撞上另一輛車,接著側面又遭到另一輛車撞擊。 |
While a written description of the accident may not sound bad, the video is explicit in the gruesome details revealed to the viewers. |
Shattered glass and blood are in abundance. |
Bones can be heard breaking and viewers hear the sound of a small child crying for her parents.
The driver who was texting survives the crash, but her teen friends are killed. |
用文字敘述的車禍情況似乎聽起來還好,但影片卻鋸細靡遺地向觀眾呈現一切駭人的細節。到處都是碎裂的玻璃和鮮血,還能聽到骨頭斷裂,以及一個小孩哭喊父母的聲音。打簡訊的駕駛活了下來,但她的朋友卻都死了。 |
Viewer Russ Fowler, after watching the video, admitted that the content is graphic, but acknowledges that this is the point. |
一位名叫魯斯‧佛勒的觀眾在看過這段影片之後,承認內容確實相當寫實,但也認為這正是重點所在。 |
"People texting in cars," he says, "you're driving a two-, three-thousand pound bomb that's hitting other people and killing them." |
「邊開車邊打簡訊的人,」他說:「就等於是開著一顆兩、三千磅的炸彈,可能會撞上別人,奪走他們的性命。」 |
Fowler lost a good friend last year when a texting driver ran a red light in Fort Lauderdale. |
"It's shocking to think a 25-year-old man loses his life because somebody found it more important to let somebody know they were on their way over or something." |
去年,佛勒的一個好朋友在羅德岱堡就因一名打簡訊的駕駛闖紅燈而喪命。「想想實在讓人憤怒,一個二十五歲的人喪失生命,就只是因為某人覺得讓別人知道自己開車出門去哪或做了什麼事更重要。」 |
Though the video was made for viewers in the U.K., it has found an international audience on the Internet. |
The PSA was posted on YouTube and more than a million people have viewed it so far. |
這則廣告雖然是為了英國的觀眾而攝製,卻有全世界的網友收看。這則公益廣告被放上了 YouTube 網站,觀看人數至今已超過一百萬人。 |