
get the lead out of their feet 賈其餘勇


一球定江山 輸贏立判

這場比賽過程乾淨清楚,場上雖然競爭激烈,但場外卻沒有任何爭議而劍拔弩張(head butting);因為一球定江山(coup de grce,這個詞是法文,發音為:「哭-跌-寡」原意指致命一擊,或殺死對方以結束其悲慘命運),輸贏立判,不必以踢12碼球決勝負,讓輸家難以心服。所以紐約時報對此役讚賞有加,認為是精采賽事。

例:"In this head-butting contest, Spain is coming out on top, winning the World Cup final she has waited a long time."「兩隊劍拔弩張,但西班牙隊終於勝出,贏得世界盃足球賽冠軍。」

"This final did not end with the gloomy coup de grce of penalty kicks."「這次決賽,沒有動用一球定江山的12碼球來定勝負。」

"The Dutch had never won the Cup before, and after all that'd happened, losing the final was the coup de grce that spurred them to tears."「荷蘭隊從來沒有贏過世界盃,這次一球定江山,讓他們熱淚盈框。」

荷蘭隊教頭曼維克接掌兵符後,決定改變球風,放棄40年來華麗但沒有壓迫力的戰術,一切以求勝為主,即使沒有美感也在所不惜(after 40 years of placing aesthetics over victory, it was time to learn how to win ugly.)。


急速壓迫戰 近身出擊

所以華爾街日報報導這場冠亞軍爭奪戰,就把荷蘭隊形容成像在打橄欖球賽,寸土必爭(hard tackles),此舉打亂西班牙隊的節奏,一時之間難以招架(out of their comfort zone)。例:"The Dutch attacked the Spanish with a series of hard tackles throughout the first half."「上半場荷蘭隊寸土必爭,猛攻西班牙隊。」

"I think it was a hard tackle but by no means a red card."「我想,這動作是粗魯了點,但不至於到被罰紅牌出場的地步。」

"People will resist change at a personal level if it forces them out of their comfort zone."「被迫離開習以為常的生活步調,這對一般人都很難接受。」

堅持到最後 輸贏關鍵

雖然荷蘭隊將士用命,奮力拚搏,但犯規累累,全場被祭出黃卡九張,最後甚至導致後衛海丁格被罰下場。這時西班牙賈其餘勇(get the lead out of their feet),把握良機(sudden advantage),堅持到最後,利用場上多一個人的優勢,在終場前四分鐘破網勝球。紐約時報認為,這就是西班牙隊制勝的關鍵。

例:"Now it's time to get the lead out of your feet and ignite a fire in your soul."「這時候我們一定要堅此百忍,奮力自強。」

"When the Dutch defender was sent off by a second yellow card, the Spaniards took advantage of this sudden one-player advantage to win the final."「荷蘭隊後衛連吃兩張黃牌被罰出場,這時西班牙隊抓緊多一個人的機會猛攻,終於獲勝。」

【2010/07/23 經濟日報】

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