Paul Krugman.jpg

「不該再幫富人減稅了」,這句話不是我們說的,而是諾貝爾經濟學獎得主克魯曼(Paul Krugman)日前在他的紐約時報專欄中所呼籲的。美國布希政府時代實施了大規模的減稅方案,給予有錢人許多租稅減免的好處,造成政府財政赤字不斷擴大。歐巴馬上台後,雖急欲收拾這個爛攤子,但卻遭逢金融海嘯衝擊,難以立即著手改革。如今經濟危機逐漸平息,原來強調減稅增支的財政政策面臨退場的檢討,正好讓歐巴馬政府有機會重新把財政失衡問題端上檯面,並對布希時代所殘留下來的減免稅措施做一番徹底的檢視。

     美國有二大主要政黨,民主黨與共和黨,其財經政策的理念與主張極不相同。前者傾向於「大政府」的觀念,強調以政府的積極性作為,管制社會資源的配置與使用,維護總體經濟的穩定;後者則偏向於「小政府」的概念,強調政府的消極性功能,尊重市場機制,約制政府政策的不當干預。如果以意識型態的光譜區分,民主黨的主張比較左派,共和黨則比較右派;如果以福利價值的面向區分,民主黨比較重公平分配,共和黨則比較重資源效率。因此,在租稅與財政議題上,當民主黨執政時,會主張對富人多課稅,追求租稅公平,並容忍政府預算赤字擴大,以刺激或穩定經濟。相反地,當共和黨執政時,則會主張對富人減稅,以鼓勵投資、創造所得,並篤信拉佛曲線(Laffer Curve)效果最終可以促使財政收支平衡。諷刺的是,近20年來卻都是民主黨在幫共和黨解決財政窟窿的問題;以前是柯林頓幫雷根善後,現在則是歐巴馬在幫布希擦屁股。






  • 2010-08-30
  • 工商時報
  • 【社論】

    Now That’s Rich

    By Paul Krugman

    We need to pinch pennies these days. Don’t you know we have a budget deficit? For months that has been the word from Republicans and conservative Democrats, who have rejected every suggestion that we do more to avoid deep cuts in public services and help the ailing economy.

    But these same politicians are eager to cut checks averaging $3 million each to the richest 120,000 people in the country.

    What — you haven’t heard about this proposal? Actually, you have: I’m talking about demands that we make all of the Bush tax cuts, not just those for the middle class, permanent.

    Some background: Back in 2001, when the first set of Bush tax cuts was rammed through Congress, the legislation was written with a peculiar provision — namely, that the whole thing would expire, with tax rates reverting to 2000 levels, on the last day of 2010.

    Why the cutoff date? In part, it was used to disguise the fiscal irresponsibility of the tax cuts: lopping off that last year reduced the headline cost of the cuts, because such costs are normally calculated over a 10-year period. It also allowed the Bush administration to pass the tax cuts using reconciliation — yes, the same procedure that Republicans denounced when it was used to enact health reform — while sidestepping rules designed to prevent the use of that procedure to increase long-run budget deficits.

    Obviously, the idea was to go back at a later date and make those tax cuts permanent. But things didn’t go according to plan. And now the witching hour is upon us.

    So what’s the choice now? The Obama administration wants to preserve those parts of the original tax cuts that mainly benefit the middle class — which is an expensive proposition in its own right — but to let those provisions benefiting only people with very high incomes expire on schedule. Republicans, with support from some conservative Democrats, want to keep the whole thing.

    And there’s a real chance that Republicans will get what they want. That’s a demonstration, if anyone needed one, that our political culture has become not just dysfunctional but deeply corrupt.

    What’s at stake here? According to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, making all of the Bush tax cuts permanent, as opposed to following the Obama proposal, would cost the federal government $680 billion in revenue over the next 10 years. For the sake of comparison, it took months of hard negotiations to get Congressional approval for a mere $26 billion in desperately needed aid to state and local governments.

    And where would this $680 billion go? Nearly all of it would go to the richest 1 percent of Americans, people with incomes of more than $500,000 a year. But that’s the least of it: the policy center’s estimates say that the majority of the tax cuts would go to the richest one-tenth of 1 percent. Take a group of 1,000 randomly selected Americans, and pick the one with the highest income; he’s going to get the majority of that group’s tax break. And the average tax break for those lucky few — the poorest members of the group have annual incomes of more than $2 million, and the average member makes more than $7 million a year — would be $3 million over the course of the next decade.

    How can this kind of giveaway be justified at a time when politicians claim to care about budget deficits? Well, history is repeating itself. The original campaign for the Bush tax cuts relied on deception and dishonesty. In fact, my first suspicions that we were being misled into invading Iraq were based on the resemblance between the campaign for war and the campaign for tax cuts the previous year. And sure enough, that same trademark deception and dishonesty is being deployed on behalf of tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans.

    So, for example, we’re told that it’s all about helping small business; but only a tiny fraction of small-business owners would receive any tax break at all. And how many small-business owners do you know making several million a year?

    Or we’re told that it’s about helping the economy recover. But it’s hard to think of a less cost-effective way to help the economy than giving money to people who already have plenty, and aren’t likely to spend a windfall.

    No, this has nothing to do with sound economic policy. Instead, as I said, it’s about a dysfunctional and corrupt political culture, in which Congress won’t take action to revive the economy, pleads poverty when it comes to protecting the jobs of schoolteachers and firefighters, but declares cost no object when it comes to sparing the already wealthy even the slightest financial inconvenience.

    So far, the Obama administration is standing firm against this outrage. Let’s hope that it prevails in its fight. Otherwise, it will be hard not to lose all faith in America’s future.

















    2010-08-24/經濟日報/A5版/國際焦點 陳世欽譯


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