pinching your pennies
一分一角 積成千萬巨資
小錢可以推動世界(Penny makes the world go round.),歐美論斤買的二手書(penny book),廉價長途國際電話卡(Penny Talk),都以一分錢為名,奪命連環扣(rapid-fire call)也叫做penny call。
例:"I was in the shower when she 'penny called' me for 5 minutes!"「她打了五分鐘的奪命連環扣,不過當時我在洗澡,所以沒接到。」
一分錢價值何在?老美說:"A penny for your thought"(心事告訴我,給你一分錢),這是打破僵局的俏皮話;但一文錢逼死英雄好漢(without two pennies to rub together),阮囊羞澀之際,人就必須勤儉持家(pinching your pennies)。
例:"When Qin Qiong was experiencing a bad turn of events, he found himself without two pennies to rub together; therefore, he was forced to sell his horse."「貧困交迫,秦瓊只好賣馬。」
"She pinches her pennies to survive the crisis."「她縮衣節食,以度過難關。」
不過也有人認為小錢無用。開遠路加油,或每天少喝杯咖啡(latte effect拿鐵效應),這種能省則省(a penny saved is a penny earned)因為只見其小,不見其大(penny wise and pound foolish),其實於事無補。
例:"Thrifty savers believe a penny saved is a penny earned. They agree saving money is just as important as earning it."「勤儉持家者的理財心法:能省則省。」
"Sydney quits buying Starbucks latte to save money while buying a large boat that he has no time to make use of. He is penny wise and pound foolish."「小薛省小錢戒咖啡,花大錢買遊艇,卻不常使用。真是只見其小,不見其大。」
積沙成塔 小事業拚第一
亞馬遜書店二手書只賣一分錢,運費每本卻要3.99美元,還一本一本單獨計價。原來它靠物流賺錢,而買者也心甘情願。這就是把一分錢一分貨(You get what you pay for.)運用到極致的藝術。
菜販事業雖小,但和大企業一樣,用心把一分一毫(nickel and dime)的價值做到最大。可見錢無論大小,有流通就能成長。物流能大小兼顧,金流能涓滴掌握,企業就能把小事業拚成最大(in for a penny, in for a pound)。
例:"While you get what your pay for, but Amazon charges 3.99 for every book we buy and makes it not just a nickel and dime business."「一分錢一分貨,亞馬遜卻藉著郵費計算,把二手書小事業做大。」
"You're in for a penny, in for a pound when a good opportunity finally comes your way and you decide to dive in with maximum involvement."「鴻運當頭,全力以赴。要做,就做到最大最好。」
【2010/06/11 經濟日報】