神采飛揚 look good and feel better
假設:某人連形象都不知道、不能夠維持,像個沒進入狀況的局外人(like a pair of brown loafers in a tuxedo world),如何讓人對他有信心?
例:"She was bad news and she hung out with a rough crowd. Birds of a feather flock together."「她交往的,盡是損友,真是物以類聚。」
"John was fired when it was found he was in a gang. You know you are known by the company you keep."「老江有黑道背景,公司不敢留用,這是近墨者黑的下場。」
"I did not choose him for I felt he was just out of place, felt like the whole world's a tuxedo and he was a pair of brown loafers."「別人穿西裝,他卻穿草鞋,這麼不上道,我怎能用他?」
衣裝 有效提振士氣
形象是專業能力指標之一。現代人努力打點自己,跟「先敬羅衣,後敬人」多少有點關係。穿著被認為沒品(lowbrow tastes)、粗魯(a bounder),甚至不入流(having no class),都等於不得體(don't know their place),都有損專業形象。
例:"The bounder has come into money and spends it on lowbrow tastes."「暴發戶出手大方,買了一大堆爛貨。」
"He was underdressed for the occasion and was thought lowly of having no class."「他服裝不整、舉止輕挑,難登大雅之堂。」
"A new member should know his place and should cooperate and accept responsibilities"「身為新人,要安分守己,努力融入,發揮所長。」
對客戶來說,一件正式場合穿著的襯衫值3,000元,那麼,不管成本高低,專櫃會標價3,000元,好讓人買回去穿在身上時,不僅可以避免在重要場合失態(faux pas),還能讓人產生信心滿滿(look good and feel better ),是這種感覺,讓價格飆到3,000元。
形象 專業能力指標
例:"Being a new comer, be sure to avoid those fashion faux pas by overdressing or underdressing yourself in a stupid way."「身為新人,切忌濃妝艷抹,也不要不修邊幅,總之要端莊、整潔。」
"Wearing a Ralph Lauren suit and Berluti shoes really helps Sydney look good and feel better."「穿著全是名牌,老薛走路果然有風。」
【2010/04/23 經濟日報】